• brahmanjhrilo.college@gmail.com
  • 0674-2856760

ସରକାରୀ ବହୁମୁଖୀ ବୈଷୟିକ ଶିକ୍ଷାନୁଷ୍ଠାନ, ଗଜପତି


Approved by A.I.C.T.E ,New Delhi & Affiliated to the SCTE & VT,Odisha

& Under the DTE&T, Odisha & SD&TE Department, Govt. of Odisha

Number of Class Rooms and size of each

(i) 67 sq. mtr. – 02 rooms

(ii) 70 sq, mtr – 02 rooms

(iii) 152 sq. mtr. – 01 room

(iv) 66 sq. mtr – 04 rooms

(v) 68 sq. mtr. – 02 rooms

• Number of Tutorial rooms and size of each

(i) 46 sq. mtr – 04 rooms

• Number of Laboratories and size of each

(I) 108 sq. mtr – 04 rooms

(II) 224 sq. mtr – 01 room

(III) 118 sr. mtr – 03 rooms

(IV) 112 sq. mtr – 01 room

(V) 70 sq. mtr – 02 rooms

(VI) 116 sq. mtr – 02 rooms

(VII) 94 sq. mtr – 02 rooms

(VIII) 143 sq. mtr – 01 rooms

• Number of Drawing Halls with capacity of each

(i) 143 sq. mtr – 02 rooms

(ii) 117 sq. mtr – 02 rooms

• Number of Computer Centres with capacity of each

160 sq. mtr – 01 no.

• Central Examination Facility, Number of rooms and capacity of each


• Barrier Free Built Environment for disabled and elderly persons

03 nos. Ramps in the ground floor & 01 central ramp in the 1st floor connecting to the various classrooms alongwith washroom facility for diasabled & elderly persons.

• Occupancy Certificate – Available (Annexure - 6)

• Fire and Safety Certificate - Available (Annexure - 7)

• Hostel Facilities:-

100 seated boys & 100 seated Girls hostel are available. 200 seated boys hostel is under construction.

• Library

• Number of Library books/ Titles/ Journals available (program-wise)

Titles – 475 Nos.

Journals – 10 nos.

Volumes – 4172 nos.

• List of online National/ International Journals subscribed – Nil

• E- Library facilities - NA

• Laboratory and Workshop

• List of Major Equipment/Facilities in each Laboratory/ Workshop

Laboratories available in the Deptt. of Math & Sc–

1. Physics Lab.

2. Chemistry LAB.

3. Computer Lab. - Basic Computer Skill, OOCP, MAT Lab, CADD Lab.

4. Language Lab. - Soft Skills & Communication skills


Laboratories available in the Deptt. of Civil Engineering

1. Civil Engg. Lab. – I:- Test on cement, sand, aggregates.

2. Survey Practice – I:- Chain surveying, Compass surveying, Plane table surveying.

3. Construction works Practice:- Brick bond, formwork, reinforcement details, bar bending.

4. Civil Engg. Lab – II:- Soil testing, bitumen testing.

5. CADD Lab:- AutoCAD & STADD Pro.

6. Survey Practice Lab. – II:- Levelling, contouring, theodolite & Tacheometry surveying.

Laboratories available in the Deptt. of Electrical Engineering

1. Electrical Engg. Lab.:- 1) Machina Lab – I

2) Machine Lab – II

3) Circuit & Network Lab

4) Power Elecronics Lab.

5) Electrical Workshop Lab

2. Electronics Lab.:- i) Microprocessor Lab

ii) Analog Electronics Lab.

iii) Digital Electronics Lab.

Laboratories available in the Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering:-

1. Workshop :- Weilding, Fitting, Drilling, Turning

2. Mechanical Engg. Lab.:- Tossion Test, UTM, Impact Test, Governer, Epicyclic Gear train

3. FMHM Lab: - Venturimeter, Orificemeter, Bernouli’s Theorem, Reciprocating & Centrifugal Pump, Impulse Turbine, Francis Turbine.

4. Heat Power Lab: - Refrigeration, AC, Petrol & Diesel Engine.

5. Lathe Shop: - Lathe Machine.

• Computing Facilities

• Internet Bandwidth – 32 Mbps

• Number and configuration of System – 60 nos.

• Total number of system connected by LAN – 60 nos.

• Total number of system connected by WAN - NA

• Major software packages available- VLSI, Circuit and Networks

• Special purpose facilities available- Nil

• Innovation Cell- Available at Annexure – 8

• Social Media Cell- Available at Annexure – 9

• Compliance of the National Academic Depository (NAD), applicable to PGCM/ PGDM Institutions and University Departments- NA

List of facilities available

• Games and Sports Facilities – Available (Cricket, Badminton, Volley Ball, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho & Indore Games).

• Extra-Curricular Activities- Debate, Drama, Song, Dance, Quiz, Drawing and painting competitions are conducted and rewards are given to students to encourage them.

• Soft Skill Development Facilities - Available

Teaching Learning Process

• Curricula and syllabus for each of the programmes as approved by the University –

Available in Website:- www. Governmentpolytechnicnayagarh.org

Academic Calendar of the University:-

Available (Annexure - 10)

• Academic Time Table with the name of the Faculty members handling the Course:-

Available in Website:- www. Governmentpolytechnicnayagarh.org

• Teaching Load of each Faculty:-

Each faculty is assigned with a minimum teaching load of 20 credits per week.

• Internal Continuous Evaluation System and place

Each semester comprises of two internal examinations & one final semester examination

• Student’s assessment of Faculty, System in place

Monthly assessment of faculty performance is taken over by the students & meetings are conducted to improve the quality of education.

For each Post Graduate Courses give the following:

• Title of the Course - NA

• Curricula and Syllabi - NA

• Laboratory facilities exclusive to the Post Graduate Course- NA

Special Purpose

• Software, all design tools in case - -----------

Academic Calendar and frame work –

Available in Website:- www. Governmentpolytechnicnayagarh.org 

Admission Open for the Year 2023-24